Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Share a Symbolic Link in Samba

Edit your samba configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Add the following into the global section, i.e.,
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes
unix extensions = no
Save your file and restart Samba:
sudo stop smbd
sudo start smbd 
It should work now.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adding Addtional Drives to a Zentyal Server

This page gives a handy guide to installing additional drives in a Zentyal server (which I've shamelessly copied and pasted ~ for easy usage).

Partition Disks

Open the Administrator Console from the Desktop

In console Type:
sudo fdisk –l
This will give a list of Disks attached to the system:
  • sda contains the system and swap partitions
  • sdb is the first disk
  • sdc is the second disk
  • sdd is the third disk

Open gparted and create a primary partition on each of the disks sdb, sdc & sdd. I created these with an ext4 file system. It is not necessary at this point to provide a volume label or mount point, as this will be done in the following steps.

Next, Open the PCMan File Manager
At the bottom left, click on the folder icon. This will provide a directory tree. Navigate to /media and click once on this folder in the directory tree. In the top menu, click on tools, and then open this folder as root. This will allow you to create folders and change permissions for those folders. The second screen shows the media folder opened in superuser mode.

Right click in the empty space to bring up the context menu and create folders in /media for the three disks. I used: Disk1, Disk2 and Parity.

I edited the permissions for these folders and changed the username to my username, changed the group to fuse, and gave full permissions to all. This may not be necessary. Right Click on each folder, select properties and then the permissions tab.

Close the media folder superuser window. Navigate in the directory tree to /etc and open this folder as root. Scroll down and find the file called fstab. Right click on the file and select open with leafpad.

This is the original fstab

Add the following lines to the end of fstab:
/dev/sdb /media/Disk1 ext4 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdc /media/Disk2 ext4 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdd /media/Parity ext4 defaults 0 2

Save the fstab file and exit leafpad.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Virtualbox USB issues

After moving Virtualbox images to a new machine you'll probably have an issue with USB.  To solve it you'll need to add the current user to the "vboxusers" group.  Tricky, if you're using LinuxMint 12 and above.

You could add yourself to "vboxusers" (assuming the group already exists) by simply doing the following:
sudo gpasswd -a altair vboxusers
Or perhaps:
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-toolssudo gedit /etc/group
Then search for the "vboxusers" group and add your username to that line:

Failing that you could always install the old "Users and Groups" utility:
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools
You'll find the utility in the "Administration" group menu.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lightspark- Linux Flash Player Replacement

Lightspark is a Flash player and browser plugin that runs on Linux. It aims to support Adobe's newer Flash formats and AVM2 virtual machine.   Lightspark currently supports YouTube well enough for daily use.  Still requires some development but it can potentially replace Adobe's product (esp. since Adobe has discontinued development of a Flash player for Linux).

More here: Lightspark